Eugenia involucrata

Cherry of the Rio Grande

Name of Grower:

Nate Blackmore


9b, Coastal Influence Mediterranean Climate, Santa Cruz, California





Common Name:

Rio Grande Cherry

Variety or Seedling Provenance:

Bonita Creek Nursery

Cold Hardiness & Winter Damage:

Temperatures down to ~30*, very little winter damage

Sun Exposure:

Full sun & Filtered Light

Growth Rate:

Average paced growth, large tree

Size of Plant:

~9 feet

Time to Maturity (Time to Flowering and Fruiting):

Unknown, purchased fruiting

Size at Maturity:

Unknown, fruiting profusely at 9' x 4'

Fruit Size:

Some large the size of a nickel, aborted (seedless) fruits about size of pinky finger nail

Fruit Production (Quality, Quantity, etc.):

~5-8 lbs of fruit this year. Good quality, delicious & sweet, crowd pleaser.

Notes on Fruit Harvest, Handling, Storage, Market Potential:

The fruits bruise very easily when picked and it is best to pick from the peduncle (fruit stem). May be best stored or packaged in an egg carton like container. May do well in markets if picked day of or consumed very quickly. Potential in value added products due to it's distinct and appealing flavor.

Flowering/Fruiting Period (List specific months if possible):

Flowers around April and fruits into early summer over a 1-1.5 month period.

Cultural Practice:

In the ground


Resistant to most pests and grows very well year round. A recent heat wave really damaged a lot of the leaves and new growth but that is likely due to the fact that it is not on irrigation and watered very infrequently. It produced very well for about a month or two period. The fruits kept well in the fridge for a couple of days if picked and not bruised.